30 x 30 at the Portland Public Library

Posted by on Jun 4, 2018 in Children's Book Illustration, Comics, Illustration, Portland Public Library | 4 comments

At the invitation of Portland Public Library’s Program Manager, Rachel Harkness, a group of Maine artists created panel art that included a scene in a library. She said, “Portland Public Library aims to highlight the work and importance of this art (and literary) form through our partnership with the Maine Comic Arts Festival.  Exhibiting work by artists at the same size and shape, displayed identically lets the viewer see just how wide ranging and diverse comic art can be.”

While I don’t consider myself a comic artist per se, I was happy to contribute a panel with such an intriguing prompt.

The exhibit, sponsored by Casablanca Comics, opened this past First Friday in the Lewis Gallery and will be on view through June 23.

There is indeed a wide range of responses! That’s Marty Braun’s on the right, below.

Marty wanted to include Montgomery, the children’s library guardian.

I wanted to include some of the action that happens at the main branch. A library’s not just about reading! The PPL is a hub of activity. I scouted for reference one day, where I spied some flying turtles.

I decided to reference seven things happening at the library, as an ode to a favorite blog, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast authored by kidlit superhero, Julie Danielson. I also wanted to include a Book Face something, as a nod to the beguiling efforts of Heather Wasklewicz on behalf of the library’s social media.

There are so many things going on every day of the week! I combined Portland Ballet’s dance program for kids, the Teen Reading group, a flying turtle, Legos, reading to Baxter (as a Book Face) plus journaling.

Here is my panel next to one by MECA alum, Kori Michele Handwerker!

Here Mike Proia describes the process behind his panel to Daisy.

Meanwhile, some of the participating artists were competing in an Iron Cartoonist competition. Look, it’s Lincoln Peirce, famous for his Big Nate comics!

There’s also a panel by Micheal Connor, fellow faculty at Maine College of Art, and this one by our former student, Jesenia Santana.

Other panels were created by Andres Vera Martinez, Betsey Swardlich, Carol Burrell, Ethan Hefner, Gareth Hinds, Kelly Fernandez, Lincoln Peirce, Liz Prince, Megan Turner, Mitra Farmand, Rick Parker, Roho, Scott Nash, Sean McCausland, Steven Meyers, Thy Lach, Tucker Roma, and Ven Wilson. Go check it out!

We’ll be off next to see the incredible exhibit at the Curtis Library of work by Garth Williams. Have you been yet?


  1. Jamie
    This assemblage was both entertaining and fun !!
    Loved your drawing including Portland Ballet,
    flying turtle and kid reading.
    Must try to get to the library to see thisexhibit before June 23

  2. Hoping to see as much as we can before we take off Saturday for a few weeks out west. Las Vegas, Denver, Beaver Creek (a wedding), Trinidad CO, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins & back to Maine.
    Wonderful blog posting Jamie!

  3. THANK YOU! I love this so much.

    • The gratitude is all mine, for the passion you share for visual literacy and beyond!


  1. Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast » Blog Archive » 7-Imp’s 7 Kicks #593: Featuring Jamie Hogan - […] of panel art, and her illustration is inspired by 7-Imp. I mean, right?! The image is above, and in…

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