What a treat to visit the amazing kids at the Peaks Island School on Read Across America Day! I brought along my latest book, Here Come the Humpbacks to talk about reading pictures. Color and composition are part of the visual narrative. Color can tell us about time of day, temperature; how cold is the water? Scale can show us size relationships.
I showed this spread to talk about why I take a plastic bag to the beach: first, there’s the poop business to pick up. Then, always some plastic: a bottle, a coffee cup, part of a shoe. Every little bit I carry away makes a better habitat for our marine friends.One way of helping is adopting a whale from any of these organizations: the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, the World Wildlife Fund, and Allied Whale. I adopted a whale from each of them.I shared my plush whales, tokens of my donations, and their curious octopus friend. They proved ready prompts for eager artists.
One girl drew a manatee from memory!