It’s been two weeks since the Reading Round Up, the annual conference of Maine Children’s Librarians held in Augusta on May 1. This event brings together those serving youth in a Maine school or public library and celebrates children’s literature while honoring individuals who have made significant impacts on the literary landscape.

I drew this for my Rabbit rabbit rabbit good luck post before heading out the door wearing my best purple attire.

May day rabbits © Jamie Hogan

A few weeks before the conference scheduled for April 4, I got a surprise phone call from Camden Public Library’s Children’s Librarian and Lupine Committee Chair, Amy Hand.

She told me I had won two Lupines!!! I am still floating, doubly blessed with such recognition. To be a winner in the league of Maine’s children’s books, among so many that are deserving, is a BIG DEAL.

Miss Amy is truly my Lupine Fairy, because I met her in 2008 at Reading Round Up when I won my first Lupine Honor for Rickshaw Girl. I made this ode to her in my recycled sketchbook.

the Lupine Fairy, Amy Hand                  © Jamie Hogan

A spring snowstorm bumped the conference from April 4 to May 1. That’s so Maine, keeping us on our toes! It was a hearty crowd gathered at the Augusta Civic Center.

The Lobster Lady written by Alexandra S. D. Hinrichs and illustrated by me won the Lupine Award in the Picture Book category. Alex and I met for the first time last year at Reading Round Up, a month before our book’s publication date. Getting to meet Virginia Oliver was a high point of the whole endeavor, my heroine for keeping going, and always with a salty laugh. Alexandra later gave a brilliant keynote address using curve balls as her metaphor for what life has thrown her recently as a mom, librarian, and writer. (True fact: she took a baseball in the face right before our interview on 207.)

Lupine Award winner, author Alexandra S. D. Hinrichs photo © Jamie Hogan

Oh, Chickadee! by Jennifer Richard Jacobson and illustrated by me received the Lupine Honor in the Picture Book category. I’ve been a fan of  Jennifer for many years, and more recently we’ve been critique partners. It was absolutely delightful collaborating about chickadees with her and Stephanie Mulligan of McSea books.

Jennifer Richard Jacobson accepting the Lupine Honor for Oh, Chickadee!                  photo courtesy of Lynn Plourde

I gave thanks twice to the Lupine Committee, although I barely remember what I said, oops. Just getting to illustrate these fine stories by Alex and Jennifer is a win win.

Jamie Hogan gives thanks for the Lupine Award while Amy Hand looks on                        photo courtesy of Lynn Plourde

Many thanks to the publishers, Charlesbridge and McSea Books for pairing our talents and producing worthy books. Also, a big round of applause for Kristen Nobles, the acclaimed designer for The Lobster Lady who shuffled so many layers of illustration, ovals, and text. And another round for illustrator/designer Jill Weber for Oh, Chickadee, keeping the edits straight and colors as chirpy as could be.

I had one heck of a summer in 2022, juggling both deadlines for non-fiction stories that required considerable research, accuracy, and consistent portraiture. The hustle was worth it! I’m also grateful to my family, Marty and Daisy, for bearing witness to all that mess.

The mighty Matt Tavares scored the Lupine Award in the Juvenile category for his graphic novel, Hoops.

Amy Hand with Lupine Award winner Matt Tavares photo © Jamie Hogan

In his acceptance speech, Matt shared two Lupine facts: One: Hoops was sparked by a story from fellow Lupine winner Phil Hoose. Two: For the author bio in Hoops, Matt illustrated a self-portrait in his studio with two lupine plates behind him.

We were presented with  paintings done by Portland Public Library’s Children’s Librarian, Sarah Cropley, as well as sundial lupine plants which are native to Maine, courtesy of the Bar Harbor Garden Club.

Maine’s Native Sundial Lupine seeds                                photo ©Jamie Hogan

The legendary Lynn Plourde was presented with the Katahdin Award, which recognizes outstanding bodies of work in children’s literature. She gave a rousing acceptance speech through happy tears, saying “Maine chose me.”

Lynn Plourde wins the Katahdin Award while Amy Hand looks on.                                 photo courtesy of Lynn Plourde

Here we all are, proud as punch!

Award winners at Reading Round Up: top row, L to R: Alexandra Hinrichs, Jamie Hogan, Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Lynn Plourde, Matt Tavares. Bottom row, Lupine Committee members, L to R: Antyna Gould, Abby Morrow, Amy Hand, Sarah Cropley, Katie Drago. photo courtesy of Lynn Plourde

After the awards presentation and keynote address, we signed books and chatted with librarians, my heroes. It was also a chance to catch up with fellow esteemed book creators. I caught a selfie with two of my mentors in kidlit: awesome Anne Sibley O’Brien and Charlotte Agell.

Jamie Hogan, Anne Sibley O’Brien, and Charlotte Agell at Reading Round Up                    photo © Jamie Hogan

Congratulations to all the winners, and everyone creating on behalf of children’s literacy. I am humbled to be in the Maine league.

I wanted to rearrange/clean my studio to make room for the new awards. I found this illustration done several years ago after my first Lupine Honor.

Lupine Land © Jamie Hogan

It took an entire Saturday to de-clutter, but look quick before my studio is a mess again:)

Jamie Hogan’s studio on Peaks Island, Maine                            photo © Jamie Hogan

How about this from my daughter, whose Mother’s Day card features her drawing of a lupine queen!


drawing by Daisy Braun

I will savor these blessings always.

News flash! The Lobster Lady is a finalist for the Maine Literary Award! Whaaaat?!

The awards take place on May 30. Fingers crossed til then!




  1. Comment Yay, yay, Jamie!!!!

  2. Comment *Congratulations Jamie! Thrilled for you! xoxo

  3. I am always inspired by what’s happening with you, Jamie, as well as *loving* your art. Well deserved recognition – so exciting! Fingers crossed for the Maine Literary Award!

    • Thanks for reading, Jean. I am grateful for your words!

  4. Love this! So many blooms to cherish this spring! I am so grateful for your collaboration and friendship!

    • Thanks, Alex! Aren’t we fortunate to be collaborators?!

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