I was honored to be the guest at the final Summer Reading Program led by veteran story time maestro Pat Crowley-Rockwell at the Peaks Island Library last week.
She introduced me with great flair, and I shared details of creating my illustrations for Island Birthday by Eva Murray, from story board sketches to final art.
Pat’s Story & Craft program meets every Tuesday evening all summer long, pairing books and activities for a dedicated troop of island kids and visitors. Following the reading, she demonstrated the craft of folding paper planes.
This artist is drawing a decorative pattern before folding her plane.
Two of my models from the book showed up to say hello! Thanks to these diligent librarians, Priscilla Webster and Rose Ann Walsh, I always find the reference I need!
Kids lined up outside the library to test their flight powers.
What sweeter way to celebrate than with birthday cake? Bravo, island readers!
Here is Josh, a seventh grader who assists Mrs. C. R., getting into the pose from the cover of Island Birthday.
A big bow wow goes out to my dog, Posie, who posed for the role of Brewster in the story. She just turned 13, and although she’s slowing down some, her wag is still strong.
My next library visit will be to my neighbor island: Long Island Library will celebrate the final Summer Reading Program with Island Birthday on August 21 at 9 AM. Perfect!
And the next day, I will head up to the Camden Library’s 10th Annual Book Fair by the Sea, where Eva Murray will join me from 1 – 4 PM. It takes two islands to make this book. Hope to see you there!
Bow wow Bravo and you can never have enough paper airplanes. Also, Josh is in perfect pose down to the untied shoelaces. Looks like you had a perfect summer romp at the library.