Publisher: McSea Books

Bird Land

Posted by on Jun 18, 2024 in Book: Skywatcher, Chickadee!, Children's Book Illustration, Illustration, Maine Audubon, Publisher: McSea Books, Publisher: Tilbury House | 4 comments

Wherever you live, you live in Bird Land. Isn’t it glorious to hear bird song every morning and evening? I learned today that the Portland City Council unanimously passed New England’s first bird safe building ordinance, with great work on behalf of Maine Audubon’s Bird Safe initiative, a statewide collaborative to document bird strikes during peak migration. If you find a dead bird on the sidewalk, take a picture and send it to The U.S. Fish & Wildlife estimate that somewhere between 388 million and 988 million birds die from building...

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Lupine Land

Posted by on May 15, 2024 in Book: Rickshaw Girl, Chickadee!, Children's Book Illustration, Illustration, Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing, Publisher: McSea Books, The Lobster Lady | 8 comments

It’s been two weeks since the Reading Round Up, the annual conference of Maine Children’s Librarians held in Augusta on May 1. This event brings together those serving youth in a Maine school or public library and celebrates children’s literature while honoring individuals who have made significant impacts on the literary landscape. I drew this for my Rabbit rabbit rabbit good luck post before heading out the door wearing my best purple attire. A few weeks before the conference scheduled for April 4, I got a surprise phone call from Camden Public Library’s...

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