Book: Island Birthday

Kick Off ’17

Posted by on Jan 9, 2017 in Art Classes, Book: Island Birthday, Book: Porcupine's Promenade, Children's Book Illustration, Drawing, Illustration, Maine College of Art, Pastels, Peaks Island, Portland Stage Company, School Visits | 4 comments

Everybody seemed eager to kick 2016 into history. Yeah, there were losses, that Election, hate, and plenty of things I want to forget. But a New Year…is a perennial place for hope. An earnest band of neighbors called the Get a Grip club gathered at our house on New Year’s Eve, armed with resolutions of change, good humor, and some hand-made glasses we will use for envisioning a better world. Rest assured, we will keep a grip on what matters! A few days later I visited King Middle School, a hive of young people poised to take over the world. It was my 9th outing as a visiting...

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Library Love

Posted by on Apr 13, 2016 in Book: Island Birthday, Children's Book Illustration, Illustration, Publisher: Tilbury House, Travels | 1 comment

Happy National Library Week! I’m still floating from last week’s Maine Library Association’s 27th Annual Reading Round-Up of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. No better place to be than in a fine flock of kidlit advocates. Winning a Lupine Award with Eva Murray for our book Island Birthday is a spectacular honor.  Inspired by Maine artist, Barbara Cooney’s Miss Rumphius, the Lupine is presented to a living author or illustrator who is a resident of Maine, or who has created a work whose focus is on Maine, shown through the characteristics, plot, or setting....

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Celebrating Literacy at PIES

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 in Book: Island Birthday, Book: Seven Days of Daisy, Children's Book Illustration, Collage, Drawing, Illustration, Peaks Island, School Visits | 5 comments

It’s a treat to visit schools where literacy is celebrated. But it’s downright spectacular when it’s the island school down the street, where your own child learned to read. The Peaks Island Elementary School invited Scott Nash, Anne Sibley O’Brien, and me to meet teachers and students who read our books and created book reviews, skits, and reports. Teacher Leader Renee Bourgoine-Serio opened the evening with questions from kids. Mainly they wanted to know: WHEN is Scott coming out with a sequel to The High Skies Adventures of Blue Jay the Pirate? And then the Draw...

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long live lunacy

Posted by on Dec 17, 2015 in Book: Island Birthday, Book: John Muir Wrestles a Waterfall, Book: Tiger Boy, Children's Book Illustration, Collage, Illustration, Luna Press, Pastels, Peaks Island, Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing, Publisher: Tilbury House | 3 comments

Have you heard? There will be a full moon on Christmas for the first time since 1977. I’m well versed in lunar cycles, thanks to my contributions to the Lunar Calendar since 1983. Over the years, I’ve had the honor of creating the color cover several times, always a treat. These are a few of the ideas I presented to publisher Nancy F. W. Passmore for the 40th edition. The calendar is a vertical format with a fold, and I like to cross that, if possible. Nancy is fond of the idea of keeping her moon boat afloat, so she picked the bottom left. I was happy to develop the one idea...

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Long Island celebration

Posted by on Aug 23, 2015 in Book: Ice Harbor Mittens, Book: Island Birthday, Illustration, School Visits | 1 comment

What fun to island hop for another celebration of summer reading, this time at the Long Island Library. As a long-time member of the Island Institute, I enjoy learning about other islands, but visiting them is too rare. The logistics of going “down the bay” requires first a trip to Portland on Casco Bay Lines and then another ferry to another 4 stops. What would have been about an hour-plus of ferry time became a 15 minute trip on a water taxi instead, thanks to my host. But man, was it a soupy morning. No horizon line visible, and nothing to see in our wake, either. Captain John...

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drawing Miss Daisy

Posted by on Aug 14, 2015 in Book: Island Birthday, Book: Seven Days of Daisy, Children's Book Illustration, Collage, Illustration, Maine College of Art, Peaks Island, Publisher: Tilbury House, Sketchbook Project | 3 comments

Our daughter Daisy has always had a keen eye. And she’s provided infinite inspiration over the years. She’s front and center with her tribe of island peers in Seven Days of Daisy. This original hangs now at the Portland Public Library in my exhibit, Storybook Waters. Peaks Island has provided a spectacular background for visual stories. This image of Daisy dreaming helped me land my first children’s book from Charlesbridge. Daisy’s love for Moonrise Kingdom found it’s way into my Sketchbook Project Shop Walk, many thanks to Find for the vintage dress....

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